Updates to INTC Services
In October 2015, INTC announced its intention to emphasize more direct services for early career teachers and work toward developing comprehensive, career-long teacher development at Illinois.
During the coming months, INTC will continue to provide some familiar, though potentially modified, services and events. At the same time we are anticipating some new wrinkles. Although not finalized, these are some of the things that we are planning.
• INTC will hold the 7th Annual Beginning Teacher Conference (BTC) this summer. The dates have not yet been determined; however, we hope to have dates finalized soon.
• NEW: In conjunction with the BTC, we are planning to offer a “boot camp” for recent graduates who will begin their first teaching assignment in the fall. This intensive workshop is intended to provide a jump-start on the critical first few weeks of the school year. More details will be available soon.
• The 11th INTC Induction and Mentoring Conference will tentatively be scheduled for early 2017. The format, dates and location have yet to be determined. More information will be posted to the INTC website as it becomes available.
• NEW: INTC and the College of Education at Illinois plan to develop a year-long graduate credit course for first-year teachers. The proposed course will (a) provide a combination of networking, support, and professional development; (b) target the specific priorities of the cohort; (c) use multiple delivery modes.
• NEW: INTC will be located administratively in the Teacher Education Office in the College of Education at Illinois. We will align our work with preservice preparation, the Center for Education in Small Urban Communities’ research and outreach, online programs, and other related initiatives. Current staff will continue.
• INTC will plan for long-term impact including engaging new stakeholders and partners in the state and nationwide. We will continue to communicate with stakeholders and partners through the INTC listserv, an updated web site, and periodic meetings.
• Lastly, INTC will announce a new director to lead this transition.
Dr. Chris Roegge, Director
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