Definitions of Terms
Note: the definitions found are consistent with and often adapted from those in the Illinois Induction Program Continuum and usage by the Illinois State Board of Education. The goal is to create a common language and focus for all working with induction and mentoring programs.
- Beginning Teacher - (new teacher, mentee, protégé, novice): a teacher newly entering the profession of teaching and in the first or second year of teaching. Some induction programs also involve new teachers in their third or fourth year of teaching or involve teachers who are new to the district but have teaching experience elsewhere.
- Collaborative Leadership Team - the individuals who are jointly responsible and accountable for planning, development, progress, communication, assessment, evaluation, and the overall implementation of the induction and mentoring program(s). Program leaders can include, and are not limited to, district/building administrators, program coordinators, teacher leaders, lead mentors, union/professional organization leaders, Regional Offices of Education, Intermediate Service Centers, Institutions of Higher Education, support providers/trainers, community members, school board members, university faculty, and parents.
- District Administrators - these include administrators at the district level including the superintendent, assistant or associate superintendents, curriculum leaders, and finance or operational officers. A district-based induction and mentoring program is often led by the person in charge of curriculum or the person in charge of human resources at the district level.
- ICE 21 (Induction for the 21st Century Educator) - a comprehensive mentoring and induction program to help new teachers adapt to first-year challenges and build a solid foundation for long, fulfilling careers in education with the support of trained mentors. It includes mentor training and the training of trainers. It is one of the only initiatives of its kind to be supported by the Illinois State Board of Education. Adapted from Source: Hensley, V. & Rosenbaum, N. (2008, May 23). Retrieved September 10, 2010 from
- Illinois Induction Program Continuum - a companion document to the Standards that describes program development across multiple levels that will prompt both thinking and action around the professional needs of new teachers in the state. This document can be used for self-assessment and program development.
- Illinois Induction Program Standards - a state-approved list which provides a clear framework, based on research, best practices, and effective structures to assist in the development of effective induction mentoring programs at the local level.
- Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) - The State Board consists of nine members who are appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Senate. Board members serve four-year terms, with State Board membership limited to two consecutive terms. The board sets educational policies and guidelines for public and private schools, preschool through grade 12, as well as vocational education. It analyzes the aims, needs and requirements of education and recommends legislation to the General Assembly and Governor for the benefit of the more than 2 million school children in Illinois.
- Induction - a distinct phase of teacher development that occurs upon an individual’s entry into the profession; a formal program for beginning teachers of guided entry and structured support into the profession of teaching.
- Mentor - an experienced teacher, trained in mentoring practices, who provides one-to-one, individualized support of a beginning teacher through formal and informal structures Instructional (formal) mentor – an experienced teacher, trained in mentoring practices, who provides the primary and intensive support of a beginning teacher on professional practice and student learning through collaboration, reflection and inquiry during regular visits over the duration of the program. Cultural (informal) mentor – an experienced teacher, trained in mentoring practices, who provides additional support of a beginning teacher or experienced teacher new to the district/building; i.e. mentor on building routines and procedures, items unrelated to content area and grade level, support as needed. This person assists with acculturation and helping the beginning teacher become part of the school community.
- Program Coordinator - individual responsible for the overall operation of the induction/mentoring program at the local level, as well as serving as a liaison with all stakeholders and the Illinois State Board of Education.
- Site Administrator(s) - administrators at the local, building level. These might include the principal, an assistant or associate principal, deans, and/or division heads/department chairs.
- Stakeholders - individuals/groups/organizations with a vested interest in the success of the induction program, i.e. district/building administrators, program coordinators, teacher leaders, lead mentors, union/professional organization leaders, Regional Offices of Education, Intermediate Service Centers, Institutions of Higher Education, support providers/trainers, community members, school board members, university faculty, parents, funders, and policymakers.