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Legislation and Policy

American Federation of Teachers

The American Federation of Teachers was founded in 1916 to represent the economic, social and professional interests of classroom teachers. It is an affiliated international union of the AFL-CIO.

American Educational Research Association

The American Educational Research Associaton is devoted to improving the educational process by promoting scholarly research and disseminating the results.

American Council on Education

ACE, the major coordinating body for all the nation's higher education institutions, seeks to provide leadership and a unifying voice on key higher education issues and to influence public policy thro

American Association of School Administrators

American Association of School Administrators website. Many links with suggestions for school administrators with links to union/administration relationships.

Action for Healthy Kids

A public-private partnership of more than 50 national organizations and government agencies representing education, health, fitness and nutrition, Action for Healthy Kids addresses the epidemic of ove

Action Alliance for Children

Nonprofit, nonpartisan agency that exists to inform, educate, and inspire a statewide constituency of people who work with and on behalf of children by providing the most reliable information on curre

ISU Induction and Mentoring Steering Committee

"The mission of the committee is to provide advisory leadership as to how Illinois State University (ISU) can continue to support its graduates in the early years of teaching and assist schools t
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