Standard 1: Induction Program Leadership
Strong induction/mentoring programs start with strong leaders. It is best to have a collaborative leadership team with representatives from all stakeholder groups (e.g. administrators, beginning teachers, experienced teachers, teachers' unions), but a program can also be started by a single motivated leader.
Program leadership is responsible for allocating resources, setting program goals, planning activities to meet those goals, communicating with all stakeholders, and evaluating the program's impact. Leadership teams provide broad oversight through regular meetings, but in many induction programs, the day-to-day activities are managed by a single program coordinator. The coordinator facilitates professional development and ensures that the program is running smoothly.
The Standard 1 Subsections address the following issues:
While examining Standard 1, keep the following questions in mind:
- Who is responsible for each essential function -- planning, operations, oversight, and use of data?
- How can leadership leverage adequate time, fiscal resources, and authority to implement and support the program?
- How can the district create a culture of commitment to beginning teacher induction?
- Where can program leadership learn what they need to know to understand, design, and implement a high-quality induction/mentoring program?