Finances and Budget
Funding is critical to the induction and mentoring program. However, it can be one of the greatest challenges as budget constraints impact most educational programs. To create and sustain a program, local leadership may consider various activities depending on funding available. For example, the number of workshops or training sessions may need to be limited based on budgets.
Compensation for beginning teachers and mentors might involve stipends, or might include advancement on the salary schedule, release from special duties, and other rewards outside dollar amounts. (See Standard 3, Illinois Induction Program Continuum)
- Create an annual budget
- Determine resources necessary to meet program goals. The first item on the list is typically the largest expense for induction programs; the other items are arranged in decreasing order such that the last items represent the smallest amounts in most programs' budgets.
- Mentor stipends or salary and benefits
- Program Coordinator stipend or salary and benefits
- Beginning teacher orientation and professional development
- Mentor training and professional development
- Release time / substitutes for observations and mentor/beginning teacher meetings
- Books, materials, online resources, and support
- Provide budget and expenditure information to stakeholders
- Determine resources necessary to meet program goals. The first item on the list is typically the largest expense for induction programs; the other items are arranged in decreasing order such that the last items represent the smallest amounts in most programs' budgets.
- Consult with appropriate administrators regarding the proposed budget
- Create an annual budget
Highly Effective Practices
- Programs should have a written budget with line items that is included in the district’s/institution’s comprehensive budget.
- Administrative support is critical for financial commitment, so programs should provide regular information about program progress and success to encourage financial support from the administration and the Board of Education (where appropriate).
- Induction and mentoring should be a component of the institutional culture to ensure continued financial support
- Budget constraints may provide challenges in creating and maintaining a program, so contingency plans may be necessary each year as district budgets are determined.
- Revisions may need to be made in the budget as the school year progresses.