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2011 INTC Conference: The Realities of Service-learning From Concepts to Contexts

This .pdf resource is from a Critical Issue session at the 6th Annual Illinois New Teacher Collaborative Induction and Mentoring Conference entitled "Continuing the Continuum."

The Realities of Service-learning From Concepts to Contexts
Jay Mann, PhD Student, former HS administrator and teacher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Service-learning is an innovative instructional strategy that has gained significant attention in both research and practice over the past fifteen years. Still, questions abound about what service-learning is conceptually, how programs can be implemented meaningfully in classrooms, to what extent service-learning can support school improvement goals and SEL plans, and where successful service-learning projects are taking place in Illinois and across the U.S. In this session, we will attempt to answer these questions and many more. The presenter, a former teacher and administrator, has participated in service-learning projects, has facilitated projects in his own classroom, and now studies service-learning pedagogy.

mann -- service learning [Compatibility Mode].pdf179.2 KB
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