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National Center on Response to Intervention (NCRTI)

The American Institutes for Research and researchers from Vanderbilt University and the University of Kansas -- through funding from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) -- have established the National Center on response to intervention. The Center’s mission is to provide technical assistance to states and districts and building the capacity of states to assist districts in implementing proven models for RTI/EIS. They have organized the Center's work into four service areas:

•Knowledge production activities that include a rigorous technical review to determine which tools, practices, and implementation strategies are deemed scientifically valid and appropriate for TA&D;
•Expert trainings and follow-up activities (both face-to-face and at a distance) to drive implementation supports for RTI/EIS on a broad scale;
•Information dissemination activities that will involve forming partnerships and reaching out to target stakeholders via ongoing communication, including web-based telecommunication; and
•A rigorous Center evaluation, with formative assessments to help improve the delivery of their services in states and districts across the country.

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