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State-Funded Illinois Induction and Mentoring Programs: 2011 Survey Research Results

This .pdf report contains the findings from the 2011 survey of state-funded induction and mentoring programs in Illinois. The purpose of the project was to gather data to assist decision makers in identifying what was working well in state-funded induction programs and areas for improvement. As such, this report has been written in research-friendly language to assist state leaders, administrators, program directors, mentors, regional offices of education, consortiums, and universities as they continue to examine and develop high-quality induction programs across Illinois. The report is divided into eight sections: (1) Methodology, (2) Mentoring, (3) Supports Provided to New Teachers Other Than Mentoring, (4) Teacher Professional Community/School Context, (5) New Teacher Self-Efficacy, (6) Mentor Requirements, (7) Qualitative Data, and (8) Conclusions.

In addition, the authors of this report would like to thank the staff at the Illinois New Teacher Collaborative (INTC) who gathered the data and assisted Northern Illinois University as needs arose during data analysis. We would also like to thank the Induction Coordinators for encouraging their participants to complete the survey and to the mentors and new teachers for taking the time to do so. We believe the responses to the survey and the findings contained within this report will move state-wide efforts forward with regard to implementing high-quality induction programs.

State-Funded Illinois Induction and Mentoring Programs 2011 Results FINAL.pdf919.94 KB
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