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INTC Resources

One of the missions of INTC Online is to serve as an information clearinghouse. Our goal is to provide members with fast and reliable access to a variety of resources related to supporting the success of new teachers.
  • Lake County ROE works with multiple districts and provide a variety of mentoring supports. Induction requirements vary between first year and second year teachers, which teachers qualify for the state approved program and which are served with...
  • Attached are examples of induction program fliers and other advocacy documents specific to the individual programs. If you would like to add your own example to this collection, please send it to
  • Two Advocacy Tookit templates have been created for your use when creating a flyer to advocate for your local induction program. Use one of these to write a description of your program that can be used with all stakeholders--from beginning teachers...
  • The attached PP was prepared by the DuPage County ROE 19 to speak with districts who are interested in creating a "state approved" program. These are districts interested in using their Induction/Mentoring program to move their teachers from initial...
  • Attached is a mentee checklist used by participants in the ROE 40 grant. Mentees use the checklist as a guideline for completing required tasks. When the two year mentoring is completed, each teacher sends the program coordinator a copy of the...
  • Here is a Power Point Oswego used in their first mentor/beginning teacher networking time held in November. It has a good team building/get to know you better activity, and discussion guidelines for the IPTS of planning for instruction and...
  • Shared Roles and Responsibilities Matrix (blank): A tool for clearly defining all stakeholders' roles and responsibilities as it relates to meeting the Illinois Standards for High Quality and Effective Beginning Teacher Induction Programs. This...
  • For information about the ICE 21 induction trainings, go to This web site contains a listing of the trained ICE 21 Coaches and Trainers across the state. It also contains a listing of trainings being held in the...
  • Attached are 2008 and 2009 beginning teacher and mentor surveys used for external evaluation of the existing Illinois State Board of Education funded induction and mentoring programs. SRI study results are also available by following the SRI tag...
  • A self-assessment tool for rating your program's progress toward meeting each of the Illinois Standards for High Quality and Effective Beginning Teacher Induction Programs and for listing your current needs in each area to help your program move...