Browse, search, and add your own recommended strategies. The most recent additions can be found at the top of each category's list. If you find something useful, please be sure to add a rating or comment to let others know how you used the strategy and how well it worked for you.
Title | Grade Level | Activity or Strategy Description |
Rest Stop Quizzes with Reflection (taken from Lisle MS) | High School | Whenever we cover standards, the students are given rest stop quizzes. These quizzes have... |
Create Your Own Review | Middle/Junior High | On the board as a group, do a a review problem. Address any issues/questions. Explain to students... |
Fitness War |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
Two teams. Each member meets an opponent in a Hula Hoop with a card. High card wins. Whoever has... |
Pre- and Post-assessment to Measure Student Learning | Intermediate | Day 1: After introducing, modeling, and offering guided practice of a new concept, I often times... |
Vocabulary context clues using highlighters | High School | When students take vocabulary test for the week, they need to fill in the correct vocabulary word... |
Scrambled Eggs Pippins Activity |
Middle/Junior High Intermediate |
Students work in partners and choose one egg at a time. They open the egg, solve the question on... |
Free-type | High School | I would give the students a topic (i.e. favorite vacation, dream job, etc.) at the beginning of the... |
Fishbowl | High School | This is a student-led discussion maintained by a small group. The rest of the class is not allowed... |
Check Point |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
Create 1-3 questions to assess what students should be learning (should be no longer than 1/2 sheet... |
Retake Checklist |
Middle/Junior High High School |
Create a small form to attach to tests or projects to motivate the kids to take care of the retake... |
End of Year Suvey | Middle/Junior High | At end of year, hand out a survey that is 3 pages long: 1 page evaluating teacher, 1 page... |
Review Challenge | High School | (1) Hand students one numbered card upon entry (cards can be numbered 1-6); numbers denote group... |
A Conversation With... | High School | I ask the students to have a conversation with an author about a particular topic. They must write... |
Picture Books to Introduce a Topic |
Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
Preview a novel or introduce a new content area topic with a picture book to build on students... |
Title | Grade Level | Activity or Strategy Description |
Maintaining Respectful Relationships with Students | Early Childhood/Primary | I had two specific students that had an exceptionally hard time following expectations and adapting... |
Lining Up at the Door |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
This suggestion from my coach helped me a lot--to give me a procedures to follow with students for... |
Stickers and Checks Classroom Management Plan | Middle/Junior High | Students will have sticker/check chart on their desks. When students are behaving (when others may... |
Question of the day / fad of the day | Middle/Junior High | Post a question or fun fact about the day as the students enter. They go to their seats and begin... |
Expectations chart: a way to monitor behavior |
Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
Have a discussion with the class about expectations for a specific activity, and from these will... |
BINGO Board Behavior Activity |
Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
When the students did something positive, I rewarded them by spinning the BINGO numbers. If a... |
Items Around My Room |
Middle/Junior High High School |
I had my students create posterboards that had 5 classroom rules written on the posterboard. We... |
Title | Grade Level | Activity or Strategy Description |
Fantastic Work Wall |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate |
Keep a Fantastic Work Wall to showcase about 2-4 pieces of student work at a time. Change out... |
Seating, Materials Storage using Color-coding |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
After preparing all in advance, explain system to students--color-coded tables, individual storage... |
"While you were gone..." binders |
High School Middle/Junior High Intermediate |
I have a designated section in the back of my room where I place the "While you were gone...... |
Creating Productive (Band Instrumental Music) Lesson Groups | Intermediate | 5th and 6th grade band. Once you have a roster of students signed up to participate in instrumental... |
Pencil Garden |
Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School Early Childhood/Primary |
Pencil Garden is a bulletin board with pencils in pockets or pouches decorated like a garden (or... |
Emergency Sub Tub | Early Childhood/Primary | This covers 5 full days. Sometimes you are too sick to come in and set up for a sub! This tub is... |
Organized Library |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
Each student will have their own number. When they visit the "library" (in your... |
Morning Message/Turn to Your Partner |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
This is a morning check-in/connect with peers activity. It started out as an activity to encourage... |
Title | Grade Level | Activity or Strategy Description |
Beginning of Lesson Activity | High School | Show the PPT slide of objectives and have each student try to answer them. It does not matter if... |
Thirty Second News Broadcast | High School | I use this as a review/summarizing tool at the high school level. It works particularly well for... |
Slap-it Review Game |
Middle/Junior High High School |
To review vocab, print out a list in large bold font on colored cardstock. Cut the words out into... |
Fantastic Work Wall |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate |
Keep a Fantastic Work Wall to showcase about 2-4 pieces of student work at a time. Change out... |
Talking Stick | Early Childhood/Primary | Procedure taught with talking stick. The talking stick teaches kindergarteners how to listen to... |
Student Philanthropy | Early Childhood/Primary | Students discuss the importance of philanthropy and brainstorm ways that they may donate their time... |
Historians Perspective Journal (HPJ) |
Middle/Junior High High School |
At the beginning of class each day introduce the HPJ question. The question should be high-level,... |
Think, Pair, Share Math Talks |
Middle/Junior High High School |
This activity is a good way to begin a lesson and engage students in the day's topic. Have a... |
Taxes: Tax debate/election | High School | This can be a 2-3 day activity. Hand out tax packets with information on different taxes. Get... |
Creating a Relationship with Students | High School | Talk with students one-on-one about relevant and non-relevant topics. Whether it is for 30 seconds... |
The Human Barometer (Used to introduce new material) |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
Have some statements that students can agree/disagree with that pertain to the topic you will be... |
Create Your Own Review | Middle/Junior High | On the board as a group, do a a review problem. Address any issues/questions. Explain to students... |
Maintaining Respectful Relationships with Students | Early Childhood/Primary | I had two specific students that had an exceptionally hard time following expectations and adapting... |
Classroom Meetings | Intermediate | During class meetings, the teacher begins by informing students of behavior successes for the week... |
Appropriate Clothing for Weather |
Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
Can be used each morning. Discussion of weather, what type of clothing would need to be worn for... |
QR Code Review | Intermediate | Take 15 minutes to state instructions/objective. This can be used for any subject. During March,... |
Scooter Race Statistics | Middle/Junior High | My classes met in an unused gym for the day and we had three students at a time race from one end... |
Foreign Language Reading | Middle/Junior High | As a 1st or 2nd level middle school language teacher, I try to use cross-curricular reading goals... |
Reports/Presentations | Early Childhood/Primary | Have the students create a report presentation using Pic Collage. This can be used in many... |
Vocabulary in Popular Songs |
Middle/Junior High High School |
(1) Allow students to listen to / watch song with vocabulary word(s) in it. (2) Discuss with... |
Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street |
Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
Read the story "Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street." The students observe a staff... |
Junk Box | Middle/Junior High | Students divide into groups of 3-5. Each group is given an activity, problem to solve, object to... |
Snowball Fight |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
Getting to know you. Have students write 3-4 things about themselves on paper. Each student... |
Foldables - Rock Cycle |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
Introduce the rock cycle in a visual/kinesthetic way. Create a foldable (I did a five-fold for each... |
Element Superhero | High School | Students choose an element from the periodic table. Students then created a superhero based on the... |
Louder than a Bomb! An Intro to Poetry Analysis | High School | I preface the first clip with background information about Louder Than a Bomb and I inform the... |
You can't battle my brain, Mr. Haynes! | Early Childhood/Primary | I would break my class into four groups. I would then draw three lines down the board vertically... |
Weekly Reflections |
Middle/Junior High High School Intermediate |
Each week, the students filled out a weekly reflection form. The weekly reflection form prompts... |
Literature Circles | Intermediate | While students are working with me either individually or in small reading group setting, my other... |
Scrambled Eggs Pippins Activity |
Middle/Junior High Intermediate |
Students work in partners and choose one egg at a time. They open the egg, solve the question on... |
Five Minute Beginning Class Journal Writing |
Middle/Junior High High School |
When students enter the room, they grab their journals off the counter. Once in their seats, they... |
Free-type | High School | I would give the students a topic (i.e. favorite vacation, dream job, etc.) at the beginning of the... |
Picture Vocabulary |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
Assign a word to each student. Go around the class and discuss each word and give the meanings.... |
Fishbowl | High School | This is a student-led discussion maintained by a small group. The rest of the class is not allowed... |
Virtual Stock Exchange | High School | Have students research different stocks and choose a minimum of ten to invest in to diversify their... |
Interest Inventory |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
This activity should be done at the beginning of the year. This helps build relationships with... |
Power Towers |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate |
This game is based off of the the popular cup stacking game. Use this game to review vocabulary... |
Poetry Folders | Early Childhood/Primary | Every Monday morning, students receive a poem. In a shared reading format, the class reads the... |
Circle Graph Survey Activity | Middle/Junior High | Students will conduct a survey about a topic of their choice. They will display data by making a... |
Egg drop |
Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
Each student receives an egg. The students need to create an order form of the supplies after... |
Notes Foldables |
Middle/Junior High High School |
Daily notes. Day 1: Help students put together their books and explain the organization of the... |
Hendren Helper | Middle/Junior High | Pass around during bell time. Students volunteer to sign up for a day. They are my "helper... |
Math Journal (daily) | Middle/Junior High | At the beginning of every class, students get their math journals. The teacher should have the... |
The Presidents | Intermediate | Students will work in groups of fours to research and present the information to the class via... |
Daily Oral Language | Early Childhood/Primary | ...and throughout the day. There is an incorrect sentence or praragraph on the board. I ask the... |
Morning Message/Turn to Your Partner |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
This is a morning check-in/connect with peers activity. It started out as an activity to encourage... |
Categorize by a Statement |
Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
In helping a student create a research paper, assist the student in topics that he would like to... |
Post It | High School | Present a question to the students at the very end of class. The question should be able to be... |
Life Skills Notebook |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
Create a pre-skill prediction list (what do you think you will have to do; list predicted steps);... |
Quote of the Day |
Middle/Junior High High School |
Write quote and have students copy it. Discuss the quote and relate it to your lesson. |
"Newton" Stations |
Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
I set up laptops around my room with the videos pre-loaded on them. The students watch the videos... |
Picture Books to Introduce a Topic |
Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
Preview a novel or introduce a new content area topic with a picture book to build on students... |
Title | Grade Level | Activity or Strategy Description |
Student-led IEP Meetings |
Middle/Junior High High School |
One of the most important things for a student with an IEP is to understand his/er own needs and... |
Thirty Second News Broadcast | High School | I use this as a review/summarizing tool at the high school level. It works particularly well for... |
Online Jeopardy | High School | Activity can be used to teach new concepts, review for a test, assessment to gauge knowledge. 1-... |
The Human Barometer (Used to introduce new material) |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
Have some statements that students can agree/disagree with that pertain to the topic you will be... |
"I Am Finished" Folder |
Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
For extra work time. When students finish their assignment, they go get their personal "I Am... |
Scooter Race Statistics | Middle/Junior High | My classes met in an unused gym for the day and we had three students at a time race from one end... |
Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street |
Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
Read the story "Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street." The students observe a staff... |
Foldables - Rock Cycle |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
Introduce the rock cycle in a visual/kinesthetic way. Create a foldable (I did a five-fold for each... |
Vocabulary context clues using highlighters | High School | When students take vocabulary test for the week, they need to fill in the correct vocabulary word... |
Social Skills | High School | I would keep the school social worker up to date with what was going on with my students. From... |
Weekly Reflections |
Middle/Junior High High School Intermediate |
Each week, the students filled out a weekly reflection form. The weekly reflection form prompts... |
Use Shared Docs to Your Advantage |
Middle/Junior High High School |
Use Google doc's to share information about kids with special or differentiation needs.... |
Picture Vocabulary |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
Assign a word to each student. Go around the class and discuss each word and give the meanings.... |
Fishbowl | High School | This is a student-led discussion maintained by a small group. The rest of the class is not allowed... |
Morning Message/Turn to Your Partner |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High High School |
This is a morning check-in/connect with peers activity. It started out as an activity to encourage... |
Lit Circles to Graphic Novels | High School | Takes 3-4 weeks. Students choose novels and work in small groups based on the same novels.... |
Title | Grade Level | Activity or Strategy Description |
Weekly Newsletter | Middle/Junior High | Add all the email addresses into Outlook by putting them into a group. Each week create a... |
Family Interaction |
Early Childhood/Primary Intermediate Middle/Junior High |
This binder becomes the students' daily take home folder which possesses all of the important... |